Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in the world and has killed nearly 20,000 people. The speed and numbers are increasing day by day. This deadly disease has no proper cure so far and the symptoms are also very common. Due to this, it is very difficult to identify and cure it. But with regular consumption of fulvic minerals, you can easily protect yourself from it.

Coronavirus was firstly identified in Wuhan, China. The first case was reported from a poultry farm and due to this many poultry farms were shut down and many poultry animals were killed. The cases in China started increasing rapidly leading to an outburst. The symptoms were similar to common cold and fever and there were no specific symptoms diagnosed. The number of cases increased and it was identified that this disease can spread even through minor contact.

Today, this virus is present in every country and has killed thousands of people. Many expert scientists and doctors are trying and searching for a cure. All the means of transportations are closed and people are forced to be at their places. This virus does not show any effect for around 2 weeks to the body. After 2 weeks, the person starts feeling cold, headache, fever and numbness. The symptoms increase at a gradual rate and are very difficult to cure. Due to a lack of medication and treatment, it becomes very difficult to cure and control this virus.

But, with regular consumption of fulvic minerals, you can easily protect yourselves from these deadly viruses. Fulvic minerals are found in fulvic acids which are found in humus. When a plant or animal dies under the soil, his body is decomposed with the help of chemical reactions and the microorganisms present under the soil. This process results in the formation of humus which contains three main components- fulvic acid, humic acid, and humin.

Fulvic acid has a very low molecular weight and is very easy to consume. It is of yellow-brown color and is rich in many nutrients. It is always suggested to have a balanced diet but due to today’s lifestyle, it has become very important to consume these minerals along with it.


  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Provides instant energy
  • Reduces fatigue and drowsiness
  • Helps in weight management
  • Improves gut and aid in a good digestion
  • Cures fatal diseases like cancer
  • Aids in respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis
  • Leads to a better immune system

These were some of the benefits of fulvic minerals. With regular consumption, you can easily make your immune system strong and also can have a good and peaceful sleep. A stronger immune system will help you to build a better body and also will protect you against this coronavirus. To get pure and high-quality fulvic minerals, visit ‘NUWTR’. Here we have coffee, water, and sachets enriched with fulvic minerals. All of these will help you in protecting yourselves and also will recover you from this deadly disease.

Stay safe, practice social distancing and consume fulvic acids to give your immunity a powerful boost to protect against coronavirus.


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